Monday, January 23, 2012

Being a professional

The other day I saw the following video on Judge Joe.

As an aspiring photographer really irritated me. The photographer showed a complete lack of professionalism or ability.
For the tl;dr crowd the photographer didn't know what they were doing. They were asked questions about the camera and were not able to answer the questions. They were asked about the location and hadn't done preparation.
The photographer was incredibly rude to Judge Joe, and if you are rude to a Judge who has control over whether or not you get paid, the likeliness of being respectful to your customer is unlikely.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tomorrow I go to London for a few days.
I'm pretty excited about this. Actual post to follow when I get back.

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Years

It's getting close to the new year.
I get to spend my days off cleaning my room.
January 1st I get to be at work at 8:45 in the morning.
So to sum it up, Nothing to do, and no one to do it with.
Sounds like this year is going to be the same as the last.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tomorrow I'll do the pre-production for my final video of the semester. It's a short experimental film. I'm doing isolation because it's easy for me to film that. I wanted to do something else, but it ended up having to much of a narrative for this short film assignment.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today I did my application for my passport. Apparently I don't need to do a lost passport file for a passport that I had when I was a kid.


I've set this blog up for the purpose of posting notes on my upcoming trips to Japan and London.
I will be focusing on the set-up of the trip, as well as how the people I am going with react to it.
There will also be notes on things I do and see as desired.